The travel time can vary significantly between destinations, but a general rule of thumb is 30 mph (50 km/hour).
Thus, if the distance between destinations is 125 miles (200 km), you should plan on it taking about four hours to get from one place to another.
The main roads that connect destinations are two lane highways with no, or very little, room to pass. These are the same routes that transport the freights arriving and departing from the seaports.
These very large and heavy trucks struggle on the hills and can often slow the pace of travel to an excruciatingly slow rate.
The time it takes to get between destinations really depends on the destinations that you are traveling to. The following is a rundown of the amount of time it will generally take to travel between some of the more popular places:
Alajuela-SJO to Manuel Antonio - 3 hrs.
Alajuela-SJO to Arenal - 3 hrs.
Alajuela SJO to Monteverde - 4.5 hrs.
Arenal to Tamarindo - 4 hrs.
Monteverde to Sámara - 3.5 hrs.
Liberia to Tamarindo - 1 hr.
Liberia to Arenal - 3 hrs.
Alajuela-SJO to Puerto Viejo, Limon - 5 hrs.
Alajuela-SJO to Mal País - 5-6 hrs.
It's more than just having a good time or visiting beautiful places (although that's absolutely a part of it!), it's about being part of a unique experience that stays with you.
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