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There’s a busy world just beyond Guatemala’s coast. On this boating tour, you’ll stick to the area known as the pelagic zone, which is the area between the shore and the open sea.
Many species of fish and coastal bird make this in-between area their habitat. Waters here are usually calm, and you’ll coast through the gentle surf at 30 to 35 knots (35 to 40 mph).
Bring your binoculars so you can scour the water and the sky for birds found only in Central America and the Galápagos. This species include wedge-rumped storm-petrel, the Nazca booby, and the brown booby.
While the birds hunt for fish, you can fish right along with them. You’ll be exploring the water aboard a panga, a popular type of fishing boat in Central America. Dubbed “Picasso,” this boat has a good reputation for finding great fishing spots, often out-fishing many of the yachts in the area. It has 15-foot (4.5-m) outriggers for mounting fishing poles. Picasso is equipped with a GPS for easy navigation, and a fish finder system so you can steer right to the fish.
Comfortable clothing, a camera, sunglasses, sunblock, a hat, and snacks or a lunch.
Transportation, expert guides, entrance fees, and boating fee.
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