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Some say that the path to adventure is uncertain and unknown. When hiking to Peru’s Mandor Waterfall, the path to adventure takes you through the village of Aguas Calientes, past the bridges of Machu Picchu, up a ladder, past train tracks, through a garden, and jungle. After all of this, you still have a waterfall to look forward to — talk about taking the scenic route.
Whether you know this village by it’s official name of ‘Machu Picchu Pueblo’ or the colloquial name ‘Aguas Calientes,’ you’ll find this little burg at the foot of Machu Picchu. Though not known for being a highlight on its own, this is the closest you can stay to Machu Picchu, and the city does offer surprisingly luxe accommodations and continues to undergo development to cater to the needs of the travelers making their pilgrimage to Machu Picchu. One little treat you are in store for: ‘Aguas Calinetes’ is translated as ‘hot water,’ and that’s exactly what you’ll find when you visit the local thermal baths. You’ll appreciate having the opportunity to soak your muscles after a day of enjoying the region’s favorite pastime — trekking.
This thrilling guide led hike exposes you to the beauty surrounding Machu Picchu Pueblo (Aguas Calientes), and ensures that you don’t miss out on one of the region’s other attractions — Mandor Waterfall. As if seeing this 98 foot (30 m) plunging waterfall weren’t enough, the journey there has you ambling across all kinds of scenery.
First, you will meet your guide, who personally go door-to-door in the village of Aguas Calientes collecting the members of your hiking group. Once all of the members of your party have been collected, the adventure can begin. You’ll pass through the villages main street; even if you didn’t have a guide, you wouldn’t have any trouble finding it, because it’s also the village’s only street! You’ll walk this way until you and your group find yourselves at the bridges that lead to Machu Picchu. Again, in the unlikely event that you lose sight of your guide for even a second, there’s no need to lose confidence in the direction you’re walking — this one and only street is the same way the tour buses leading to the bridges drive, and these are the only vehicles allowed to drive in the village. Once you reach the bridges, you won’t actually be crossing them. Instead, you’ll climb a ladder until you’ve reached a set of train tracks. This portion of your excursion takes approximately 20 minutes.
Now, it’s time to follow the train tracks. Don’t be daunted by this portion of your trek; you can comfortably walk should a train pass you, and in fact, you can waive to the passengers as they waive back to you. Eventually (and by ‘eventually’ we mean approximately 30 minutes), following this exciting path will lead you to the entrance of Mandor Gardens.
Once privately enjoyed by the family who owned the land, Mandor Gardens has been open to the public since the 1990s. Still, your journey continues…Here, you can take in the local flora and fauna as you walk through the grounds and the jungle which leads to the eponymous Mandor Waterfall. Breathe in the fresh Peruvian air and as you take your time to appreciate the plants and flowers you’ll pass. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for a variety of creatures, including the endangered spectacle bear.
When you reach the misty Mandor Waterfall (30-40 minutes), you are welcome to get into the cool, crisp pool this fall makes, but be forewarned — it’s quite chilly! In fact, it’s recommended that you wear warm clothes because parts of your hike can be surprisingly…brisk, even on a seemingly warm day. Nevertheless, this won’t keep you from enjoying a fun and exciting hike across varied terrain. Speak with your Anywhere Local Expert and add the guided Mandor Waterfall Hiking Tour to your Peru itinerary today!
Comfortable clothes, hiking boots, water and camera.
English speaking guide and entrance ticket.
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