When driving in Belize, remember that roads here are not in the prime condition of roads in first world countries – coastal roads or highways are unpaved – and thus, driving may take longer than the distance would normally indicate.
The following lists general travel times between Belize City/the International Airport and popular destinations: Belmopan (1.5 hrs.); Placencia (3.5 hrs.); San Ignacio (1 hr. 45 minutes); Punta Gorda (4.5 hrs.); Corozal (2 hrs.); Orange Walk (1.5 hrs.); Dangriga (2.5 hrs.); Hopkins (3 hrs.); Hattieville (1 hr.); and Amatique Bay, Guatemala(6.5 hrs.).
The following lists general travel times between Belmopan and popular destinations: Belize City (1.5 hrs.); Placencia (2.5 hrs.); San Ignacio (1 hrs.); Punta Gorda (3 hrs, 20 minutes); Corozal (2 hrs, 45 minutes); Orange Walk (2 hrs, 10 minutes); Dangriga (1.5 hrs.); Hopkins (1 hr, 45 minutes); Hattieville (1 hr, 15 minutes); and Amatique Bay (5.5 hrs.).
The following lists general travel times between Placencia and popular destinations: Belize City (3.5 hrs.); Belmopan (2.5 hrs.); San Ignacio (3 hrs.); Punta Gorda (2 hrs, 45 minutes); Corozal (5 hrs.); Orange Walk (4 hrs, 20 minutes); Dangriga (1 hr, 45 minutes); Hopkins (1.5 hrs.); Hattieville (3 hrs, 10 minutes); and Amatique Bay (6 hrs, 45 minutes).
The following lists general travel times between San Ignacio and popular destinations: Belize City (3.5 hrs.); Belmopan (2.5 hrs.); Placencia (3 hrs.); Punta Gorda (2 hrs, 45 minutes); Corozal (5 hrs.); Orange Walk (4 hrs, 20 minutes); Dangriga (1 hr, 45 minutes); Hopkins (1.5 hrs.); Hattieville (3 hrs, 10 minutes); and Amatique Bay (6 hrs, 45 minutes).
The following lists general travel times between Punta Gorda and popular destinations: Belize City (2 hrs.); Belmopan (2 hrs, 45 minutes); Placencia (5 hrs.); San Ignacio (3 hrs); Corozal (5 hrs, 45 minutes); Orange Walk (6 hrs.); Dangriga (2.5 hrs.); Hopkins (2 hrs, 10 minutes); Hattieville (4 hrs.); and Amatique Bay (4 hrs, 45 minutes).
The following lists general travel times between Corozal and popular destinations: Belize City (4 hrs, 20 minutes); Belmopan (3 hrs, 15 minutes); Placencia (2 hrs, 45 minutes); San Ignacio (4 hrs); Punta Gorda (5 hrs, 35 minutes); Orange Walk (45 minutes); Dangriga (3 hrs, 45 minutes); Hopkins (4 hrs.); Hattieville (2 hrs.); and Amatique Bay (8 hrs).
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