What you pack will depend somewhat on what you want to do. The following suggestions are just that - suggestions. If you have specific questions about what to bring, just ask one of our travel experts. We'll be happy to provide you with a concrete answer.
If you plan on hiking or exploring national parks, you'll need adequate gear. Bring hiking shoes and breathable clothing, including long-sleeve shirts, long pants, shorts, good socks, a hat, and sunglasses. In the Sierra, daytime temperatures can be warm but the nights can be chilly. Be sure to bring layers and a rain jacket.
Also bring a small daypack that you can toss insect repellent, sunscreen, a water bottle, flashlight, camera, and binoculars into. Having a small first aid kit is also a good idea.
If your trip includes a visit to the Galápagos, make sure you pack a swimsuit and sandals (or flip flops), and maybe even goggles. Bring very comfortable shoes if you'll be doing any walking tours in cities like Quito or Cuenca.
Most hotels in Ecuador have laundry service, so don't pack more than you really need. Having a huge bag will only slow you down.
It's more than just having a good time or visiting beautiful places (although that's absolutely a part of it!), it's about being part of a unique experience that stays with you.
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