From the peaks of the Andes to the lush branches of the Amazon rainforest, Ecuador has a tremendous amount of avian biodiversity. Though cruise tours in the Galápagos Islands are an obvious must when seeking unique bird sightings, Ecuador has other exotic birding opportunities as well. Birding tours include treks to find tropical birds on the scenic slopes of the Pichincha Volcano outside Quito; an adventure up the mountains to spot the highest-dwelling birds of the Andes; and adventures deep into the Amazon to see colorful toucans and chatty parrots.
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South Plaza Island
This tour will take you to South Plaza Island, which is the smallest island of the Galápagos. Despite its small size, this island still has a wealth of interesting wildlife.
Located two hours from San Cristóbal, Española is the southernmost island and one of the oldest in the Galápagos archipelago. The island's flat profile is extremely dry with only a few inches of rain per year. Despite the dry climate the island is one of the world's only known nesting sites for the Waved Albatross.
Venture into the highlands of San Cristóbal on this tour. You’ll get to see some of the most interesting plants in the Galápagos and the only freshwater lagoon in the Galápagos. Your guide will provide snorkeling gear for your visits to the beaches.
Santa Fe is one of the oldest islands in the Galápagos archipelago. It only covers about 9 square miles (23 sq m), but offers an incredible proliferation of wildlife, both on land and in its surrounding waters. You’ll have plenty of time to observe the animals that live here – this tour begins at 8:00 AM, and lasts around 7 hours, returning to Puerto Ayora at 3:00 PM. It includes a break for lunch on board the yacht.
During this full-day tour, you'll explore the El Pahuma Orchid Reserve and the Mindo-Nambillo Cloud Forest Reserve. In Mindo, you'll visit waterfalls and a butterfly farm, and take a cable car over the forest.
The Millennium is a modern, 16-passenger yacht that offers cruises through the Galápagos Islands. The accommodations are comfortable and nicely equipped, and there are ample social areas on the ship. Cruises range from 5 to 8 days.
Start your day bright and early with this colorful nature tour. Observe Ecuador's plants and animals up-close when you enjoy this Refugio de Paz birdwatching tour. You'll work up an appetite on your adventure, and then indulge in a breakfast which has been deemed "exquisite."
Yanacocha, is located on the northwest flank of Volcán Pichincha at ca. 3200-3400 m above sea level on the northwestern flank of the volcano remained one of the more reliable remaining locations for the Critically Endangered hummingbird, the Black-breasted Puffleg (Eriocnemis nigrivestis), who has a tiny world range centered on and near Volcán Pichincha, the volcano that towers over Ecuador’s capital city, Quito.
This tour takes you to some of the Galápagos Island’s excellent bird watching and snorkeling. First you’ll visit North Seymour Island, and then you’ll continue to a beach called Las Bachas on Santa Cruz Island.
The Natural Paradise, a luxury yacht customized to carry 16 adventurers in comfort and safety through the Galapagos Islands. Cruise range from 4 to 8 days.
Isla Lobos is a small islet located approximate 40 minutes from Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. Is it home to various Galapagos birds, such as Blue-Footed Boobies, Nazca Boobies, and Frigate Birds, as well as a colony of Sea Lions and numerous Marine Iguanas. On this half-day trip you will disembark on the islet for an hour long interpreted walk around the island. Afterwards you will be able to snorkel in the protected bay nearby. Following a lunch onboard you will relocate to Ochoa Beach where you can wander the sand, snorkel some more or relax in the sun.
Our drive to Guango Lodge will initially lead us through the drier central valley before rising up steeply to the high and (often) windswept paramo. Among the many bird possibilities, we will be particularly on the lookout for Andean Condor (sometimes hard), Carunculated Caracara, Andean Gull, Black-tailed Trainbearer, Scrub & Blue-and-yellow Tanagers and Southern Yellow-Grosbeak. The Papallacta Pass by birders, is rich in paramo birdlife, and with the proper weather, you can expect to see some of the following: Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe, Ecuadorian Hillstar, Tawny Antpitta, Many-striped Canastero, White-chinned Thistletail, Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant, Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant, Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant, some interesting seedeaters, and even Giant Conebill. At at Guango Lodge will be devoted to birding the trails and spectacular hummingbird feeders. In a matter of minutes it isn’t uncommon to see Bar-bellied Woodpecker, White-banded Tyrannulet, Blue-backed Conebill, Black-capped and Black-eared Hemispingus, Slaty and Pale-naped Brush-Finch, Gray-hooded Bush-Tanager, several species of mountain-tanager and even Plushcap.
The tour starts at 5:30 am, from your hotel in the city of Quito, we go to the reserve of Yanacocha where we develop activities of bird watching and photography, as well as the eco-route Nono-Mindo, for this First part of the tour we took a packed lunch. In the afternoon, we are arriving at Tandayapa Bird Lodge where we visit the famous drinking fountains for hummingbirds, to later return to their Hotel.
The tour starts at 5:30 am, from your hotel in the city of Quito, we go to the reserve of Yanacocha where we develop activities of bird watching and photography, as well as the eco-route Nono-Mindo, for this First part of the tour we took a packed lunch. In the afternoon, we are arriving at Tandayapa Bird Lodge where we visit the famous drinking fountains for hummingbirds, to later return to their Hotel.
Within Machalilla National Park, you can set sail for Plata Island. This island has many of the same characteristics and endangered species as the Galápagos Islands. Observe some of them on this fun, full-day tour.
During the boat trip you can enjoy the beautiful landscape and you may see dolphins. Upon arrival at León Dormido we will navigate around the island to see the sea birds and sea lions, resting on the rocks. If you wish, you can snorkel — there is a good chance you will see the Galapagos shark, sea turtles, different types of rays, and a variety of fish. After that, you have some free time to enjoy the beach at Playa Ochoa, Cerro el Brujo or Playa Manglecito. Return to Puerto Baquerizo Moreno.
See the world famous Galápagos Islands from every angle when you choose an inter-island flight. Available to and from various islands within Ecuador's Galápagos Archipelago, this particular flight takes you from Isabela Island to Baltra or San Cristóbal. Experience the beauty of Ecuador to the fullest extent — on the ground and in the air.
San Cristobal to Santa Cruz Inter-Island Boat Transfer
Looking for an easy way to get from San Cristóbal to Santa Cruz? There’s a ferry that leaves for Santa Cruz from San Cristóbal twice a day — choose from a 7 AM or 3 PM departure.
It’s easy to hope on a ferry from Santa Cruz to other major islands in the Galápagos, like San Cristóbal and Isabela. Just like any boat tour in the Galápagos, this transfer offers incredible wildlife watching opportunities along the way.
This tour is the most complete you can find in San Cristóbal. The first visitor site is called BAHIA ROSA BLANCA, Then navigate to PUNTA PITT . The next place to visit is the BAHIA SARDINA beach, here you can snorkel and if you want to relax on the beach where you will find some shade. We will walk for approximately 30 minutes in PUNTA PUCUNA, which is a site that the National Park recently opened for visitors. We pass through CERRO BRUJO, a rocky geological formation with tunnel and a cathedral. KICKER ROCK is the place where they will make their next snorkel stop.
This tour will take you to South Plaza Island, which is the smallest island of the Galápagos. Despite its small size, this island still has a wealth of interesting wildlife.
South Plaza Island
This tour will take you to South Plaza Island, which is the smallest island of the Galápagos. Despite its small size, this island still has a wealth of interesting wildlife.
Espanola Island Tour
San Cristobal Highlands Tour
Santa Fe Island Tour
Mindo Full-Day Tour
FC Millennium Cruise Galápagos Islands
Refugio de Paz Birdwatching Tour
Yanacocha Reserve
North Seymour Island Tour
Natural Paradise Yacht - Royal Galapagos Cruises
Lobo Island and Ochoa Beach
Birding Tour 2 day, 1 night Guango Lodge
Yanacocha Reserve / Tandayapa
Yanacocha Reserve / Tandayapa
Plata Island Full-Day Tour
Kicker Rock - Leon Dormido Island Tour
Flight Inter Islands
San Cristobal to Santa Cruz Inter-Island Boat Transfer